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A riverside vacation in Estonia - at the beautiful Vesihobu cabin in Jõeääre

Vesihobu holiday home at the Jõeääre vacation center in Harjumaal, Estonia is located only 45km away from Tallinn, so if up until now it seemed that all the cool holiday homes in Estonia are far away from Tallinn, then now after our beautiful vacation right by the Vasalemma river gave us hope that there still are some hidden gems around Harjumaa, to where you can easily drive to right after.

Eesti Paigad Liis ja Ben Vesihobu puhkemajas

Jõeääre vacation center itself actually consists of three cabins and a main house, so it can be a perfect destination for very different occasions:a romantic vacation for two, a social holiday for a whole family or group of friends, as well as for bigger groups tocelevrate holidays or hold trainings - summer days and so on.

In total the vacation center can accommodate up to 22 people, but according to the hosts it can actually accommodate up to 32 people, if they get along well :) So all of you working bees - a perfect place to remember - either for remote working or for team events!
By the way, during summer you can also camp between the cabins :)

We started our drive in the afternoon right after work and only an hour later were introduced to this lovely, cozy and warm cabin, where you can find everything necessary for a good time. Vesihobu cabin is a studio type house, where there isone big room with an open kitchen and couch-bed. In the room there is one table, where we were also working the next day. There is also free Wifi. In the kitchen you find a small stove, a fridge, dishes and pots and pans, so everything you need to cook a nice meal :) And coffee lovers - there is also a French press coffee can to make sure you get to enjoy your coffee with a view to the lake on the terrace.

Jõeääre puhkekeskus Vesihobu puhkemaja Eesti PaigadJõeääre puhkekeskus Vesihobu puhkemaja köök

From this living room you can access the bathroom with a shower and from there you can access the sauna as well as the terrace. So yes, you can hop straight to the terrace from the sauna! By the way, all the necessary bed linen and towels are there, so no need to bring those with you. What more could you ask for from one cabin?

Jõeääre puhkekeskus Vesihobu puhkemaja vannitubaJõeääre puhkekeskus Vesihobu puhkemaja saunJõeääre puhkekeskus Vesihobu puhkemaja terrassiga Liis ja Ben

The terrace is really spacious and with a view to the river, there is a small table and some chairs where we settled in to wait for the sunrise in the morning. The sun was very polite and shone straight at our sitting spots.

Jõeääre puhkekeskus Vesihobu puhkemaja terrassiga, Eesti Paigad

Additionally there is a barbewue with all the equipment on the terrace. You should however bring your own coal and fire starters with.
Close by there is also a hot tub that you can rent additionally in order to get the full experience and enjoy this place to the fullest. The bravest ones can challenge themselves to the swim in the river.

Jõeääre puhkekeskuse kümblustünn

Me pole kunagi end eriliseks linnuhuviliseks pidanud ja argipäeviti näeme igal enda varahommikusel jalutuskäigul Pirita luiki enda luigeasju ajamas, aga miskipärast tõstis minu sisemine ornitoloog seekord pead ja leidsin end isegi liiga tihti terrassil või aknal luigepaari varitsemas, et neist pilti teha. Tegu oli luigepaariga, kes mööda jõge edasi-tagasi kruiisis ja üks neist oli ülimalt arg, aga näete, sain jõe luige ka pildile.

Luik Vesihobu puhkemaja terrassilt vaadates

Üldiselt täitis maja ümbrust pidev erinevate linnukeste kudrutamine ja köögiukse taga jalutas pardipaar ja veel paljud teised kahjuks tundmatud sulelised. Vahel pea puhkab just loodust ja linde vaadeldes kõige paremini.

Tegemist on kindlasti ühe viimase aja parima leiuga - meie senistest puhkustest Eestis on Vesihobu puhkemaja asukoht kindlasti kõige mugavam! Ja veel niivõrd kauni looduse keskel - luiged, haudvaikne männimets, vaade jõele ja öösel täiesti selge tähistaevas. Asukoht, hea internetiühendus ja lisa ajaveetmisvõimalused teevad sellest ideaalse sihtkoha nii puhkuseks kui ka kaugtöö tegemiseks looduse keskel.

Jälgi Jõeääre puhkekeskuse tegemisi Instagramis SIIN ja tee ka enda broneering Jõeääre puhkekeskuse kodulehel !

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Turvalist rändamist!
Liis ja Ben